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International Student Health Insurance

As a condition of your enrollment at Sacramento State you will be automatically enrolled in the CSU-approved Anthem Student Advantage health insurance policy administered by JCB Insurance Solutions. Enrollment questions can be directed to Alex Shigenaga at

The health insurance charge for fall and spring semesters will be automatically added to your university tuition and student fees.

Anthem Student Advantage Plan Summary

Semester Charge Start of Coverage End of Coverage
Annual 2024 - 2025 $1,730.00 August 1, 2024 July 31, 2025
Fall 2024 $865.00 August 1, 2024 December 31, 2024
Spring/Summer 2025 $865.00 January 1, 2025 July 31, 2025

Enrollment Instructions

For every fall and spring term, international students enrolled in units will be added to the health insurance policy by IPGE. Students should not enroll themselves directly.

Plan Resources

JCB Insurance Solutions (Update your contact information, check eligibility status, and view plan details)

Athem Student Advantage Brochure 2024 - 2025

Dental, Vision, and Silvercloud Savings Programs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is Health Insurance Required?

By CSU Policy, Sacramento State requires all international students to enroll in health insurance. In order to attend classes at Sac State, all F-1, J-1, and J-2 visa holders are required to hold health insurance through JCB Insurance Solutions.

Who is JCB Insurance Solutions?

Sacramento State works with JCB Insurance Service to obtain your health insurance plan called Anthem Student Advantage. If students have concerns about Anthem Student Advantage or issues with their coverage, JCB is a good place to start when needing assistance. They can be reached via email at:

How does health insurance in the US work?

The health insurance system in the United States may be drastically different from your home country. Watch this video to learn more about the differences.

What is the plan called?

The plan is called Anthem Student Advantage.

What is covered?

Health insurance helps cover the expense of:

  • Visits to the doctor, hospital or urgent care
  • Unexpected illness and/or injuries
  • Medical evacuation
  • Repatriation
  • Medicine

Please see the plan brochure and summary above for more detailed information.

How do I get my Anthem Student Advantage ID Card?

ID cards care digital and will be available on the plan start date. You’ll receive an email from Anthem Student Advantage once your ID card is ready to download. You can request a hard copy ID card by contacting Member Services at 1-800-888-2108. First time users may set up their Anthem account with the following instructions:

  1. Visit:
  2. Click “Student ID”
  3. In put your Sac State ID, name, and date of birth
  4. Complete the steps to create your account and download the Sydney Health App

With the Sydney Health app through Anthem Student Advantage, you have instant access to: Your member ID card, The Find a Doctor tool, more information about your plan benefits, health tips that are tailored to you, LiveHealth Online and 24/7 Nurse Line, Student support specialists (through click-to-chat or by phone). From your mobile device or tablet go to the App Store or Google Play and search for the Sydney Health app to download. For questions about the app, please visit or call Anthem Student Advantage at: 1-800-888-2108.

Am I covered after graduation?

Students are responsible for their own health insurance coverage after graduation. While many students may be covered under employer benefits, it may be necessary for others to secure separate coverage. To assist with this, JCB offers optional Anthem Student Advantage coverage for students on Optional Practical Training. To be eligible, students must be on an approved period of OPT and purchase the plan prior to the expiration of their current policy, in addition to meeting other criteria. Please see details at JCB Insurance Solutions. Search for "Sacramento State", then select the current academic year and "OPT Students."

How do I find a doctor?

To find your PPO In-Network List of doctors, Hospitals and Urgent Care Centers visit Anthem Student Advantage. You can also search for doctors, hospitals or urgent care centers on the Sydney Health App. From your mobile device or tablet go to the App Store or Google Play and search for the Sydney Health app to download it today. For questions about the app, please visit or call Anthem Student Advantage at: 1-800-888-2108.

In case of a life-threatening emergency call 911 or go to your local hospital emergency room.

Is there a way to waive out of the requirement?

Only the following students are eligible to request a waiver from the Anthem Student Advantage health insurance requirement:

  • Students covered under a government sponsored scholarship (e.g., SACM)
  • Students with U.S. based, employer sponsored health insurance plan through a spouse or parent.

The following types of insurance will NOT be accepted for waivers: coverage through a CPT or OPT employer, travel insurance, short-term medical plans, socialized medicine policies, including Canadian policies, international insurance plans underwritten in a country outside of the United States, California Medi-Cal or out-of-state Medicaid health plans.

What is the waiver process?

  • For students provided health insurance under a government sponsored scholarship (e.g., SACM), student must submit proof of your government-sponsored scholarship that includes reference to your health insurance to Include your Sac State ID in your email. Your proof must include:
    • Your full name
    • Dates of coverage spanning the start and end of the academic term
  • For Students with U.S. based, employer sponsored health insurance plan through a spouse or parent, student must submit proof of your current insurance policy to The review process may take up to 3 – 5 business days. If approved, you will be required to purchase the Anthem Medical Evacuation and Repatriation (MER) Coverage through JCB Insurance Services. Proof of this coverage for all international students is required per CSU Chancellor’s Office Executive Order. Include your Sac State ID in your email. Your proof must include:
    • Your full name
    • Copy of both sides of your health insurance ID card
    • Your full insurance policy
    • Dates of coverage spanning the start and end of the academic term

When is the waiver request deadline?

Spring semesters: January 10

Fall semesters: August 10

Review of waiver requests may take 3 – 5 business days.

What happens if I don’t request a waiver in time?

IPGE may not be able to grant your waiver request. Therefore, you would need to remit payment for the Anthem Student Advantage health insurance coverage.

I had a waiver approval last semester, do I automatically get a waiver this semester?

No. You must apply for a waiver every semester along with the requested documents.

My waiver request was denied. Can I appeal?

Appeals of waiver requests will be reviewed by the AVP or Director of IPGE. All decisions after appeal are considered final.

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